Asian Escape!

I couldn’t believe that a month had passed in a flash and, it was already time to bid Ramadan farewell and venture into the EID weekend. What came to my mind? You guessed right, travel! Unlike many travellers, I’m generally not the kind of person who plans trips in time. I tend to enjoy the last minute rush however, in the past I’ve faced unfortunate consequences whereby I ended up regretting allowing for such a situation. Let’s face it though, what’s life without risks? Planning for a short stay, I needed nothing more than a four-hour flight but slightly longer … Continue reading Asian Escape!

Dawn of Sahūr

Drawn by the anxiety to take part in the eagerly awaited gathering, with a smirk on my face I might add, I made my way into a ballroom brimming with well dressed guests. The fact that it was well after midnight partly sums up the concept of Sahūr. In layman’s terms, Sahūr is an Islamic term referring to the meal consumed by Muslims early in the morning before fasting begins. It was much to my surprise to be welcomed and surrounded by joyful and exuberant people who in turn passed on their contagious positivity onto me. Without a moment’s hesitation, … Continue reading Dawn of Sahūr